Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Journey continues with an early start. leaving my Mothers house around 545 this morning was a little harsh on my normal wake up routine but none the less it was ok. I arrived to the Edmonton air port to find that the place was a total zoo. I have never seen such a long lineup for airport security. That being said I have also never seen such an efficient airport security. So I was off. My flight to Yellowknife was uneventful. In Yellowknife i changed flights and was seated beside a lovely lady who spent 7 years in Iqaluit during the late 70s and early 80s. During her time there she was nurse and eventually became a Counselor/social worker. She has been full of interesting facts and stories about the area and I feel that I am a little more prepared for what to expect. At the moment she is returning to the area working with the Government delegates working on the public school fiasco.
I am currently flying over the Hudson's bay, after a quick stop in Rankin Inlet. Given that it was -30 outside and we were only going to be on the ground for about 20minutes i didn't bother to go outside. My quick view of Rankin is that its cold and, flat and windy. Maybe on my way back I will get to spend a few minutes there. Since leaving Edmonton the land scape has gone from wide open prairie to wide open tundra. I cant describe how big and open the north is. Everything is still fully frozen and I cant tell if its tundra or frozen ocean that we are flying over. Its just all white and flat. Its one of the craziest landscapes that I have ever seen.
One a quick note, I must say that First Air has to be one of the only full service airlines left. Between Edmonton and Yellowknife I was served a lovely breakfast, and then offered another between Yellowknife and Rankin. Now I was just served lunch with the offer of complimentary wine. If you ever find yourself needing to fly some were in the Artic I have to highly recommend First Air.


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